Can you live comfortably in retirement? If you don’t know the answer, there’s an easy way to check. From this website you can log in to your online account and use the retirement benefit estimator tool. While you’re employed, you can use your online account to take the following actions: Don’t forget to check your…
Tag Archives: Retiring
Retirees returning to work must wait 30 days
For a lot of people, retirement is a time to sit back and relax, or time to do some traveling. But some retirees like to stay busy by volunteering. They may even decide they want to go back to work after they retire. As a retiree, you can go back to work for a Department…
The ins and outs of retirement service credits
We’re often asked to explain what service credit is and how it works. Customers want to know about topics related to service credit, such as portability (also known as reciprocity), dual membership and out-of-state credit. Here’s a rundown along with some links to helpful resources. Retirement service credit basics Service credits are the units used…
Required minimum distributions begin at 73
Do you have DCP or Plan 3? If so, keep in mind that if you are separated from employment, federal law requires you to withdraw a minimum amount from your investment account when you reach age 73. The DRS record keeper, Voya, calculates this Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) and pays this amount to you automatically…
Is it a bear or a bull?
Understanding the market’s animal-like behavior You’ve most likely heard the words “bear” and “bull” when the topic of the stock market comes up. But what do they mean when applied to investing and saving for retirement? These symbolic animals, known for their strength and stubbornness, are used to represent market volatility; bear markets fall, and…
Episode 51 – Credit scores and freezing your credit
Episode transcript: [music intro] Jenny Welcome back to Fund Your Future with DRS. Today, we have Lyn and Nathan with us from the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions. Also known as DFI. And today we wanted to talk with them about some of the great resources that DFI offers, as well as talking about…
The basics of retiring with DRS
Take a look at the steps to retire from public service…
Is retiring early right for you?
Retiring early isn’t something everyone longs for, but it might be worth considering if you haven’t thought about it already. As with all big decisions that leave us standing at the crossroads, deciding to retire early isn’t something you can take lightly. It’s not as easy as deciding on a dessert at a buffet, but…
Deductions in retirement
What deductions are most common for pension payments?
How to apply for retirement
Learn more about the retirement process.