Frequently Asked Questions

Quick resources

Online account log in trouble

Health care (PEBB or SEBB)

Social Security

Online account questions

Where can I get help logging into my account?

See this FAQ for assistance.

Why can’t I see my Plan 3 or DCP account balance in my DRS online account?

Investment account information is available through the record keeper website. You can access your investment account balances from your DRS online account by selecting either Plan 3 or DCP in your plan menus once you are logged in.

How do I set up a Voya account? (Plan 3 or DCP)

Voya is the record keeper DRS works with to provide you with DCP and Plan 3 investment services. Visit the investment account login page. Here you’ll find instructions for how to access your account as well as what to do with the PIN letter you receive.

I got a PIN Code from DRS. What is this for?

This letter is from the DRS record keeper, Voya Financial. You can use the PIN to log directly into your Plan 3, DCP or JRA investment account or to make account adjustments over the phone. For questions about the PIN letter, contact Voya. You’ll find most record keeper communications will say DRS on them in addition to Voya. This is so you know the messaging is related to your DRS retirement accounts.

DCP limits for Roth and pretax

  • 2025 maximum: $23,500

These annual limits apply to Roth and pretax contributions. This means whether you contribute to Roth, pretax or both, the combined totals must fall within these IRS annual limits for the DCP 457(b) program.

2025 COLA

See the 2025 percentages.

Return to work hours

New retiree return to work rules: Some retirees can now work up to 1,040 hours and continue receiving benefits. Read more.


Where is my 1099-R?

Tax statements are available to retirees online. You’ll also receive a paper copy in the mail. More IRS resources.

How do I retire with DRS?
  1. Request an official benefit estimate from DRS 3 to 12 months prior to your retirement date. Make this request through your online account or by contacting us. In most cases, we will provide your estimate 5 to 8 weeks before your retirement date.  If you haven’t received your requested estimate within 5 weeks of your retirement date, contact us.
    Estimates are prioritized by retirement date, which allows DRS to use the most recent information available for you and gives you ample time to submit your retirement application. An official benefit estimate is not the same as the benefit estimator tool available to all customers. To assist your retirement planning any time before or after requesting your official benefit, you can use the benefit estimator tool through your online account.
  2. Complete a retirement application at least 5 weeks from the date you intend to retire (once you receive your official estimate). Complete the application online or request a paper form.

More retirement information.

How do I update my information?

Make most information updates through your online account. You can also log in to confirm your information is correct.

  • Name change: If you are employed, make this change through your employer—they will update DRS. If you are separated, update your name by completing this form.
  • Beneficiary update: Update your beneficiaries through your online account. If you are already retired, there may be limits to how you can update your beneficiary or survivor.
  • Direct deposit: Complete this change online or using this mailed form. DCP or Plan 3 investment accounts can make changes through online investment accounts. If you need to stop payment to a bank account due to fraud, contact DRS as soon as possible. More DRS forms.
How do I get a pension verification letter?

See the steps to get your letter instantly through your online account. You can download this letter any time after you receive your first pension payment.

What can you tell me about these deductions?

Health care: Contact your retiree health care provider for questions about health care deductions. This amount is not determined by DRS.

Metlife Insurance: For questions and to make adjustments regarding Life insurance deductions and policies contact Metlife by Logging in or calling Metlife at 866-548-7139.

Combined Fund Drive (CFD) donations:  CFD policy automatically continues any recurring payroll contributions current state employees may have into their retirement. Update your selections through CFD.

Other deductions: If you have deductions from other organizations, such as RPEC, you will need to contact these organizations to change or remove the deductions.

More information

  1. Be sure to check your plan page for information.
  2. Try the search box at the top of the page.
  3. Find more popular topics covered in the DRS sitemap.
  4. View the DRS glossary for commonly mixed up terms.
  5. Not finding what you need? Contact us.

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