DRS Notice 24-024, Purchasing service credit working as a substitute

Date: October 15, 2024
Notice: 24-024
To: School Districts, Charter Schools, Tribal Schools, Educational Service Districts
Subject: DRS Notice 24-024, Purchasing service credit working as a substitute

We would like to get the word out to your substitute teachers and classified substitutes about their opportunity to purchase service credit. Please share this information with your employees who work as substitutes:

Did you know substitutes can request to purchase their Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) or School Employees’ Retirement System (SERS) service credit for time periods worked?

First, find out if you’re eligible. Check out the website for the TRS and SERS rules.

You can apply for service credit once the school year ends. To pay for your service credit, you will request a bill beginning the next school year in September. You can apply for multiple service credit years at the same time. However, you will owe less interest if you purchase each year’s service credit before February of the next year.

Follow these steps to apply:

  1. Complete this form. If you’re a new member, carefully consider whether you want to join Plan 2 or Plan 3. Your choice is permanent. Here’s more choose a plan information.
  2. DRS will process your request. This step can take up to 10 business days from the date we receive your forms and any additional documentation. If approved, we will send you a substitute bill.
  3. Pay your bill in full.

For additional information please see your plan guide on the DRS website.

If you have questions, log into your online account where you can see your service credit balance or send us a secure message.

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