Episode transcript: [musical intro] Jenny Welcome back to Fund Your Future with DRS. This week we’re talking about debt reduction and kind of methods for being able to tackle debt. Obviously, a lot of Americans have debt. And so, it’s really… the first step is looking at what you owe. So, you can have all…
Category Archives: Podcast
Episode 4 – The importance of an emergency fund
Episode transcript: [musical intro] Jenny Welcome back to Fund Your Future with DRS. And today we’re talking a little bit about building an emergency fund, which is such a crucial part of financial planning and just planning for futures, planning for unexpected expenses. There was a recent article that I found in CNBC that said…
Episode 3 – Analyzing your income
Episode transcript: [musical intro] Jenny Welcome back to Fund Your Future with DRS. This week we’re talking about analyzing your income and kind of looking at your paystubs, which is always something good to do from time to time. I think a lot of us don’t typically look at our paystubs until something happens where…
Episode 2 – Understanding your spending
Episode transcript: [musical intro] Jenny So Seth, you had said you wanted to do a podcast about …for DRS, for public employees. Seth Yeah, well. Jenny Tell me a little bit about that. Seth I think it’s something… we don’t talk about money a lot. And I don’t know if you saw, there’s an article…
Episode 1 – Welcome!
Episode transcript: [musical intro] Jenny Welcome to Fund Your Future with DRS. This podcast is produced by the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems. We’re going to explore some of the basics of financial planning and share some ideas for sparking your own money conversations. Email your questions to drs.podcasts@drs.wa.gov. I’m Jenny and I work…