Episode transcript: [music intro] Jenny Welcome back to Fund Your Future with DRS. We’re glad to have Catherine back in the studio with us for an important topic today, focusing on how women can be better prepared for retirement. So to all the women out there, this episode is especially for you and Catherine, I…
Category Archives: Podcast
Episode 28 – Divorce and your pension
Episode transcript: [musical intro] Jenny Welcome back to Fund Your Future with DRS. Now, we know that sometimes money can be a difficult subject to talk about. And that’s one of the reasons why we wanted to make this podcast to help people have more conversations about their money. But one of the toughest conversations…
Episode 27 – What you need to know about HCA healthcare for 2024
Episode transcript: [musical intro] Jenny Welcome back to Fund Your Future with DRS. Today, we’re continuing our talk about healthcare. And if you’ve ever thought about changing to a different health insurance plan, the time to do it is during open enrollment, which happens every fall. And in the studio today, we have Dave from…
Episode 26 – Save on healthcare costs with HSAs
Episode transcript: [musical intro] Jenny Welcome back to Fund Your Future with DRS. And today we’re kind of rolling into part two of talking about tax advantage savings accounts that can help you pay for qualified medical expenses. Today, we have Leanna from the Health Care Authority here to talk about HSAs, everyone’s favorite subject,…
Episode 25 – Save on healthcare costs with FSA and DCAP
Episode transcript: [musical intro] Jenny Welcome back to Fund Your Future with DRS. And today we’re talking about tax advantage savings accounts to help you pay for qualified medical expenses. Today, we’re specifically focusing on FSA and DCAP, and then we’ll do another episode about Health Savings Accounts. But today we have Kelsie here from…
Episode 24 – A Roth option for DCP
[musical intro] Jenny Welcome back to Fund Your Future with DRS. Today we’re excited to talk about a new savings option that will become available to DCP customers this fall. Starting October 1st, the DCP or Deferred Compensation Program will have a Roth option, and we have Catherine here today, who works at DRS as…
Episode 23 – The importance of service credit
Episode transcript: [musical intro] Jenny Welcome back to Fund Your Future with DRS. Today we’re diving into the topic of service credit. And the reason this is so important is because the amount of service credit you have when you retire affects your pension amount, how much you’re getting paid. So, if you missed some…
Episode 22 – Investing when the stock market is down
Episode transcript: [musical intro] Jenny Welcome back to Fund Your Future with DRS. And we wanted to take some time on our podcast, to…. Sometimes it’s a bit of a touchy subject, but investing in the stock market, more specifically investing when the stock market is down. And while we can’t give specific advice, we…
Episode 21 – DCP earnings and annuities
Episode transcript: [musical intro] Jenny Welcome back to Fund Your Future with DRS. And we got a question from one of our listeners asking about using your funds from DCP in your retirement. “How does DCP help your retirement income?” And we at Retirement Systems, spend so much time telling people to save, save, save…
Episode 20 – Book review: “Financial Feminist” by Tori Dunlap
Episode transcript: [musical intro] Jenny Welcome back to Fund Your Future with DRS. Today we’re doing a book review and one of the best financial books that I’ve probably come across in my short years. The book is called “Financial Feminist” written by Tori Dunlap. And I actually started following Tori a few years ago…