Retiring outside the state or country

Moving to another state The one thing to keep in mind if you plan to live outside Washington, is state income tax. Your plan contributions were pretax, so you will have income tax when you receive your retirement payments. Washington doesn’t have state income tax, and we don’t withhold state income tax for any payments…

Retirement guide for new hires

Did you know that you started earning a pension benefit when you were hired into public service in Washington state? If you didn’t know until just now, we understand. A new job can be overwhelming – loads of information is served up to you all at once. You may have overlooked, or not had time…

COLA vs benefit indexing

As a retiree, it’s important to know how your pension works. There are certain rules in place that allow your pension to grow over time with the cost of inflation. All Plan 2 and 3 retirees are eligible to receive a COLA every July. But not all plans or members are eligible for the inflation…

Site changes

On Monday, June 10, we updated DRS’ website to highlight our calculators and to make it easier for folks to find what they’re looking for. When you visit now, you’ll see a new calculator page, new site index that includes alphabetic sorting, changes to our search tool, updated table of contents navigation, and some other behind-the-scenes code changes to…

DCP Roth and Roth IRA – What’s the difference?

Washington’s Deferred Compensation Program (DCP) offers a Roth option in addition to the traditional pretax option many customers contribute to. Here we’ll take a look at questions you’ve asked about the newer Roth option, especially in comparison to a Roth IRA. While DCP is available only through employers, an IRA, or Individual Retirement Account, is…

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