Sign up for pension-related legislative alerts

If you’re interested in pension-related legislation, sign up below to receive an email alert when we update our Pension-Related Legislation page. We expect to send updates weekly, but we may send more or less frequently depending on how bills move through the legislative process. As part of this list, you might also receive a few…

What is vesting?

Vesting is your right to the money contributed to your pension plan by your employer. Once you become vested, you’re entitled to receive a pension benefit when you retire. You’ll receive a monthly check for the rest of your life, even if you’ve left public employment. In Washington state this benefit is considered a contractual…

2024 pension payment schedule

Mark your calendar – the new schedule is here! DRS issues pension payments on the last business day of each month. Please note: the date you receive your payment will depend on your financial institution. 2024 pension payment schedule Jan 31              Feb 29             Mar 29             Apr 30 May 31            Jun 28              Jul…

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