Home page, header, footer updated

The DRS home page, header and footer have been updated. Informed by team member and customer feedback, the new home page is focused on the tools and resources customers most use and request.

In addition to the home page revision, we’ve updated the header, which is now “sticky” throughout the site. It will stay on top as you scroll the page. The footer will include more options for folks who might not have found what they were looking for on the page.   

All stories, pages and resources will keep their URLs, so your bookmarks will work.

Using pre-production graphics that may differ slightly from what’s on the page at launch, let’s take a look at what’s been updated, piece by piece.


Header image

The first significant change to the header is its stickiness. Like “freezing panes” in Excel, users will always have access to multiple forms of navigation now – including search and the site index – as they scroll through the page.

Our alert bar will now appear at the top of the page when activated. An updated login button allows direct access to OAA, investment accounts and ERA.

We’ve added translation help for folks in the top 10 languages spoken in Washington. Customers will find instructions about getting help in their language from the Contact Center as well as a short description of the retirement process.

Home page body

New body i9mage

The feature area near the top of the page has been redesigned but will work like it does now.

We’ve added a section for customers to go straight to their plan guide. We’ve also added sections for a FAQ and most-searched content. These task-oriented links are a breeze to update as seasons change and customer needs evolve. They’re also designed to deflect as many calls as possible.

lower body image

There’s a new section designed to drive customers to key calculators, such as the benefit estimator.

DCP is one of our top tools that can affect a customer’s retirement, so it has a stronger presence with its video introduction on the home page.

We’ve added a member news subscription form directly on the home page. Otherwise, news and events look different but function like they do on the current system. The same is true for the investment login section.

New footer image

The new footer is also designed to deflect calls by offering another path to customers’ most-used links.

Questions or feedback?

Reach out to Communications at drs.communications@drs.wa.gov.

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