DRS Advisory Committee


2024 Meeting Schedule:
  • November 26, 2024

Next meeting

The DRS Advisory Committee held a meeting on April 25, 2024, at 9:30 am.

Meeting Materials:

Previous meetings

The DRS Advisory Committee held a meeting on November 30, 2023, at 9:30 am.

Meeting Materials:


The committee’s mission is to facilitate the sharing of information between DRS and the associations and organizations representing active and retired members of the public pension plans administered by DRS.


The objectives of the DRS Retirement Advisory Committee are to:

  • Identify and communicate client service issues to the Director
  • Communicate association and organization legislative initiatives to the Director
  • Share information provided by the Director with constituents
  • Develop and recommend ways to improve communication between DRS and active and retired members


The Director of the Department of Retirement Systems established the DRS Retirement Advisory Committee as an administrative committee in July 1996 after the State Retirement Advisory Committee was eliminated by statute.


Nominated by Washington state member or retiree organizations, committee members are appointed by the DRS Director and serve for a minimum three-year term.

View Members

DRS Advisory Committee – Current Board Members

Representing PERS Active Members


Representing PERS Retirees

Bev Hermanson, Retired Public Employees Council of Washington

Representing TRS Active Members

Kelly Snow, Washington Education Association

Representing TRS Retirees

Kim Mead, Washington Education Association
Darrel Heisler, Washington School Personnel Association

Representing SERS Active Members

Jacque Meddles (Committee Chair), Public School Employees of Washington

Representing SERS Retirees

Cheri Ingersoll, Washington State School Retirees’ Association

Representing PSERS Active Members

William Copland, Washington Federation of State Employees

Representing LEOFF Active Members

Marshall Joe Handley, WA Association of Sheriff and Police Chiefs

Representing LEOFF Retirees

Roy Orlando, Washington State Council of Fire Fighters Retirees Association

Representing Washington State Patrol Active Members

Captain Jason Ashley, Washington State Patrol

Representing Washington State Patrol Retirees


Representing Judicial Active Members

Judge Nicole Phelps, Superior Court Judges Association

Representing DCP Participants

Bev Sevigny, Public School Employees of Washington, Deferred Compensation Program participant

Representing Experience in Defined Contribution Plan Administration

Deirdre Walker, Weyerhaeuser

For information about the DRS Advisory Committee, call 360-664-7312 or write to DRS, Attention: Advisory Committee, PO Box 48380, Olympia, WA 98504-8380.

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