2025 Pension-Related Legislation

The 2025 Legislative session begins Jan. 13, 2025. We’re tracking retirement-related topics in the table below. Check back or subscribe for weekly updates about bills being considered that may have a fiscal impact on DRS.

House BillSenate BillDescription
HB 1069SB 5044Allowing collective bargaining over contributions for certain supplemental retirement benefits.
HB 1156Concerning volunteer firefighter participation in the state deferred compensation program.
SB 5085Concerning three of Washington state's closed retirement plans.
HB 1270Concerning automatic deferred compensation enrollment for county, municipal, and other political subdivision employees.
HB 1292SB 5113Concerning cost-of-living adjustments for plan 1 retirees of the teachers' retirement system and public employees' retirement system.
HB 1312SB 5114Paying state retirement benefits until the end of the month in which the retiree or beneficiary dies.
HB 1349SB 5306For LEOFF Plan 2: Concerning the purchase of pension service credit for authorized leaves of absence.
HB 1474Providing a benefit increase to certain retirees of the public employees' retirement system plan 1 and the teachers' retirement system plan 1.
HB 1510Concerning participation in the public employees' retirement system judicial benefit multiplier program by commissioners of the supreme court and court of appeals.
HB 1642Providing additional plan choice to members of the teachers' retirement system plans 2 and 3, the school employees' retirement system plans 2 and 3, and the public employees' retirement system plans 2 and 3.
SHB 1738Ensuring access to state benefits and opportunities for veterans, uniformed service members, and military spouses.
HB 1790Increasing defined benefit accrual for specified years of service in the state retirement systems.
SB 5718Providing members of the teachers' retirement system plan 3 and school employees' retirement system plan 3 that were never offered a choice of plan 2 the opportunity to irrevocably transfer to plan 2 for future service.
HB 1936Extending the expiration of certain school employee postretirement employment restrictions.
HB 1988SB 5738Permitting individuals retired from the public employees' retirement system, the teachers' retirement system, and the school employees' retirement system additional opportunities to work for up to 1,040 hours per year while in receipt of pension benefits.

For complete information, see the Washington State Legislature website. Find pension-related legislation tracked in the 2024 session.

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